Category: General

  • A Complex Obsession

    When I first started programming I was like a gap year student exploring some far-flung bazaar. Every twist a new adventure, each turn a novel experience. Intelligible languages swirling around my ears, but recognisable expressions and hints at meaning abounded. Discovering new paths through what felt like a hidden world was so exciting that it…

  • Rules Not Reason

    Although I’m fiercely optimistic and generally positive about life, humanity, the universe, and everything, I do sometimes find myself slipping into the deep recesses of despair in response to some things in the world. So I wanted to amble down this path and think, just briefly, about why, as a species, we’ve consistently engaged in…

  • The Explosion of Information

    While reading a post today about alternatives to Google Analytics which are more privacy-centric (read: user-centric), a bolt of inspiration struck. GA has dominated the web analytics game for as long as I can remember. Back in the late noughties alternatives such as Mint were viable, but as the great Google machine ploughed on, they…

  • Deliveroo Is Killing, Not Saving The Restaurant Trade

    Vaunted teal meals on wheels unicorn, Deliveroo has claimed this week that they’ll generate 70,000 new jobs in the restaurant trade and help bring the industry back to its former glory thanks to huge new investment across the UK. Thank god. More bikes, fewer employment contracts, and less human interaction – just what the kangaroo…

  • What is your impact on the world?

    Technology as a whole has always been about enhancing the human experience, elevating our capabilities to levels that are dizzying to generations past. We’ve achieved the most amazing feats of engineering and perhaps the most indicative metric of success is our apathy for them. We’ve walked on the moon and cured diseases that previously threatened…

  • Quick Update

    So I just thought I better update the ol’ blog – not posted since 2011 – yikes! I’m still here, and I’ve not given up on it! 🙂 I’m busy working on a large-scale project at the moment, so I’ve been consumed with work, but I will be posting a bunch of stuff relating to…

  • Site Redesign 2011

    Well I finally got around to it! For months I’ve been procrastinating and finding other thing to do, but today I am proud to announce that I have successfully redesigned the blog and built a new theme. What you see before you is the result of many hours working on design and coding (as most…

  • Updates are coming!

    I’ve not blogged in months, I know, I’m lazy. But things are going to change. I am in the process of redesigning the site and have a number of articles that I’m working on, so this is just a post to check in and let you know I’m not gone and am going to return…

  • What’s that, another theme?!

    Ah yes, it is true, I have changed the theme on the site yet again! Why? Well because I quickly concluded that the previous theme, named “Elegancia” was rather sub-standard, and so I set about creating a more robust theme for the site. While working on this theme I’ve come up with plenty of idea…

  • Say hello to Elegancia!

    So some time has passed now since I started this blog, and I decided that I had had enough of the excellent theme that I had in place. And as I call myself a web designer I decided that I would design a theme, specifically one based on elegance, and then use it on my…