Updates are coming!

I’ve not blogged in months, I know, I’m lazy. But things are going to change. I am in the process of redesigning the site and have a number of articles that I’m working on, so this is just a post to check in and let you know I’m not gone and am going to return to blogging in the near future.

So where have I been? Well I’ve been busy working on sites such as Cooking Pete and updating things like my about.me profile (the background of which lends itself to this post). I’ve also been working on a couple of iPhone Apps that’ll hopefully be finished very soon as well. Alongside that I’ve got a few side projects that I am constantly adding to but that won’t be ready for some time. But luckily I’ve encountered a number of interesting problems along the way, so I’ve got a number of articles in the works (I do have some nearly done, but I don’t want to post half-arsed articles).

So that’s it really. This post is really simply about re-assuring you that despite my last post being published in September last year, I am going to make an effort come early June to push the new design, and post a bunch more quality posts – stay tuned!



