Screencast #2 – Creating a Comment Preview in WP

So it’s been a while since I’ve done a screencast, but here it is, number 2! In this screencast I’ll show you how to create a comment preview section in WordPress which dynamically loads user information and updates as you type! For it I use the trusty jQuery library and a little bit of PHP code to spice things up. See below the video for the code used, and enjoy!

The comments.php code:

<div id="preview-comment">
<br />
<h4>Comment Preview:</h4>



<div id="div-comment-12">


<?php if(is_user_logged_in()){ global $current_user; get_currentuserinfo(); } ?>

<img id="avatar-preview" width="64" height="64" src="<?php if(!is_user_logged_in()){ ?><?php }else { echo "" . md5($current_user->user_email); } ?>" alt="Avatar">

<cite><a rel="external nofollow" href="#"><?php if(!is_user_logged_in()){ ?>Mr Nobody<?php }else{ echo $current_user->user_firstname; } ?> </a></cite><span>says:</span>


<a><?php wp_reset_query(); echo gmdate("F j, Y \\a\\t g:i a ") ?></a>

<p>This is an example comment.</p>





<br />


And the Javascript:

<script type="text/javascript">// <![CDATA[

$("#commentform input, #commentform textarea").focus(function(){

$("#commentform input, #commentform textarea").blur(function(){
if($("#commentform #author").val()=="" && $("#commentform #email").val()=="" && $("#commentform #url").val()=="" && $("#commentform #comment").val()==""){

$("#commentform #author").keyup(function(){
$("#preview-comment a.url").text($("#commentform #author").val() + " ")

$("#commentform #author").blur(function(){
$("#preview-comment a.url").text($("#commentform #author").val() + " ")

$("#commentform #email").blur(function(){
$("img#avatar-preview").load('/scripts/md5.php?m=' + $("#commentform #email").val());

$("#commentform #url").keyup(function(){
$("#preview-comment a.url").attr('href', $("#commentform #url").val());

$("#commentform #url").blur(function(){
$("#preview-comment a.url").attr('href', $("#commentform #url").val());

$("#commentform #comment").keyup(function(){
$("#preview-comment p").text($("#commentform #comment").val())

$("#commentform #comment").blur(function(){
$("#preview-comment p").text($("#commentform #comment").val())

// ]]></script>

And the md5.php file:

<script type="text/javascript">

<?php $hash = md5($_GET['m']); ?>

$("img#avatar-preview").attr('src','<?php echo $hash ?>');


Note: Bear in mind that changing the comments form will involve changing the code above.





One response to “Screencast #2 – Creating a Comment Preview in WP”

  1. Techwatch avatar

    Thats great, thanks so much for the code