So some time has passed now since I started this blog, and I decided that I had had enough of the excellent theme that I had in place. And as I call myself a web designer I decided that I would design a theme, specifically one based on elegance, and then use it on my blog. The theme is called Elegancia and took me about 3 weeks to perfect. It uses some CSS3 for corner rounding and for some of the shadows, however the post-image shadows are just an image. Also take a look at the handy post switching option. What?! Well on the home page there are 3 posts below the featured post, you can drag and drop these onto the featured post to lead more information before you visit the individual post page.
The theme should be fully functional, but obviously if you find any kinks that need ironing out feel free to contact me using the link above.
The theme will soon be up for sale – more details coming soon. Also I should tell you that this is only temporary, until I finish up the real redesign especially for Tom’s Big Box 🙂