Well it’s been a long time since I posted on this lovely blog, but I wanted to start again before the new year! Well sooner rather than later I always say. So all the old content has gone to be replaced with fresher, more up to date, and generally better content. My blog will now focus primarily on web design and on some technology news. Overall I will be blogging about the subjects that interest me, usually technology related. I hope to drop in the odd tutorial as well.
The tutorials I create will be wide-ranging – from After Effects to Photoshop, from design to PHP. I hope you will find it interesting and enjoy the ride!
Oh and I know I was going to build a theme of my own but when I found this one I felt it was better than something I could have achieved anyways. In the future I suspect I will build my own, but at the moment I don’t have the time to be focused on such things, so I decided to leave it to the professionals!